Daily Reward

Make the most out of this day and...

Lvl Rewards

New headphones
[2/3 lvl] Guest
New shoes
[1/2 lvl] Walking





Productive Sessions

2024-05-11: 31.78% | 110 min | 6.5 avgr
2024-05-12: 46.42% | 165 min | 6.33 avgr
2024-05-13: 46.44% | 220 min | 4.75 avgr
2024-05-14: 78.22% | 275 min | 6.4 avgr
2024-05-15: 61.11% | 220 min | 6.25 avgr
2024-05-16: 44% | 220 min | 4.5 avgr
2024-05-17: 39.09% | 165 min | 5.33 avgr
2024-05-18: 0% | 0 min | 0 avgr
2024-05-19: 0% | 0 min | 0 avgr
2024-05-20: 74.27% | 300 min | 5.57 avgr
2024-05-21: 88.93% | 300 min | 6.67 avgr
2024-05-22: 40% | 150 min | 6 avgr
2024-05-23: 100% | 300 min | 7.5 avgr
2024-05-24: 0% | 0 min | 0 avgr
Sessions: 6 Total Time: 300 Average Rating: 7.5
50 min 7/10
50 min 7/10
50 min 7/10
50 min 8/10
50 min 8/10
50 min 8/10
Date | Session Number | Time (minutes) | Rating (1-10) | % of the best session in last 14 days | Total session minutes today | Today's average rating | Username

Daily Summary

Date | Productive Time (minutes) | Avg. Rating (1-10) | Habits Done | Active Habits | Counters Done | Active Counters | Description | Username


User settings



This is an advanced function for those who work night shifts or want to operate on a custom schedule. Since this app operates on daily cycles, some users might find it more convenient to change the in-app time, so it differs from the time on their device. If this doesn't apply to you, please leave it set to 0.
Current in-app time:


Profile Started:
Estimated storage usage:

Does it work?

It depends on you and your preferences. While GamifyRoutine.com helps with self-discipline, it still requires it. The app can make self-discipline much more enjoyable and organized. The app's design is based on great, engaging games (mainly MMORPGs that keep players hooked for many years), so generally, gamers - both past and present - will find it most appealing.

The app is free, so you can try it out and see if it works for you. In my case (Mike, the creator of GamifyRoutine.com), the app works phenomenally. I'm much more productive with it, and most importantly, I regularly achieve all my goals. It's hard to measure, but I believe I'm at least twice as productive with it than without it. I hope you can get similar results! :D

Is it really 100% free?

Yes, GamifyRoutine.com is completely free, and we don't plan to add any paywalls that would limit free users' access.

Our free model works because we don't store your app data on our servers, which greatly reduces the number of requests to our database. This means your data is even more private, and the app remains available without costly monthly subscriptions.

In the future, we might introduce small monetization options to help us maintain and improve the app if costs go up (i.e. voluntary donations).

How can I support it?

At the moment, we don't need financial support, but the app will develop faster and better with more users.

You can help by telling your friends about it or writing a few words on your X or Facebook profile :).

If you like GamifyRoutine.com, you can also join our Discord group, Productivity & Accountability.

How to use it?

There's no "right" way to use GamifyRoutine.com. It's a very efficient and highly customizable app, so you can create a system that works for you!

Now, this is how I (Mike, the creator of GamifyRoutine.com) use it:

Every day, I complete my active habits and counters and aim to meet my productive time goal (it's at least 300 minutes, or 120 minutes on weekends). I work in 50/10 Pomodoro sessions and rate each session (1-10 scale). Each added session is automatically sent via a Webhook to a Discord server I share with my accountability partner.

At the end of the day, if I meet all my goals, I get a reward. The guaranteed reward is an evening with computer games. If I don't meet the goals, no gaming. I also have a few random rewards to add a bit of excitement (e.g., an hour of reading instead of working, a few dollars to spend on my favorite games, a meal at my favorite restaurant, or even an extra day off). After drawing the reward, I also send a report of the day to my accountability partner on Discord (using the Daily Summary module).

Where is my data saved?

As you may have noticed, GamifyRoutine.com doesn't even require registration. We don't save your data (like habits, counters, rewards, etc.) on our servers.

Because of this:

  • Your data stays yours. We don't see it, so you don't have to worry about someone stealing your ideas or seeing your private notes.
  • The app is free to use without monthly subscriptions. Lack of frequent database queries and having no need to store all the data significantly reduce maintenance costs.
  • Unlike many advanced productivity apps, GamifyRoutine.com can run lightning fast, which is crucial for a positive gamification experience.

Remember to export your profile (using the Save module) from time to time, especially if you plan to clear your browser data (to avoid losing your app data).

GamifyRoutine.com 1.0.5 / 2024 Mike Kokot [X/Twitter]
GamifyRoutine.com socials: [Discord]
Work towards your goals, but never let the success make you selfish. Being a good peson is more fulfilling than any achievement.