Info: This documentation is still under the development. If you didn't find the answer to your question, please contact me!

Cross Device Sync

You probably don’t need Cross Device Sync.

GamifyRoutine doesn’t require constant data checking, and you can do it once a day, or every session/every few hours. We recommend sticking to one device.

At the moment, we don’t support any data synchronization options. You can, however, use our Save feature to import/export your profile saves, and if needed, transfer them between devices.

If you really value synchronization, you can try at your own risk to look for browser settings or plugins that enable local storage synchronization. However, be careful not to expose your data to unauthorized access.

GamifyRoutine is currently in the early stages of development.

It’s possible that in the future, we’ll provide cross-device sync capability in some form, but it’s not planned yet.

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